Thursday, June 13, 2024

Pro-American, anti-Federal Government

Not only does this writer hate the United States government more than the most zealous Islamic jihadists do, this writer hates the United States government more than the most zealous Islamic jihadists themselves.

● At least the "Allahu akbar" crowd hasn't besmirched and eradicated the lustre of the ONCE-GLORIOUS name of Washington --glory, that was described by future president Abraham Lincoln as having been as bright as the sun (1)-- by associating that great man's name with a ROGUE government dominated by charlatans and scoundrels who pose in front of the American flag inside government buildings surrounded by barricades and armed guards in the District of Columbia, who have flushed his principles and DIRECTIONS [on how to run the government and relate to other nations along with our Constitution] into the sewer.

● At least they aren't responsible for inflationary policies that siphon wealth from the middle and lower classes in order to enrich international bankers who own the Federal Reserve System, Bank of England et al., a morbidly obese military industrial complex, and other giant corporations. In addition, INFLATION IS A TAX - the most covert and insidious tax there is. That is why politicians only pay lip-service to getting inflation under control, because government benefits from it.

● At least they don't bully other nations with threats of military aggression and occupation or withholding financial largesse after getting them addicted to it if they don't do as they are told by so-called "American interests" or in the name of U.S. "national security."

● At least Muhammad's mad followers haven't undermined our constitutional liberties like presidential Executive Orders, Congress, and the U.S. kangaroo Courts have - and, to think, grandstanding politicians tell us that they hate Americans because of our "freedoms."

Actually, if it wasn't for the U.S. Government giving Americans such a bad reputation, the Islamic fundamentalists wouldn't hate us like they do. Hence, I wouldn't have reason to hate them. Peace is bad for business, and those businesses own the federal government.

No respect should ever be shown to the flag of the evil empire. What this writer has done with the government's flag in this photograph is FAR more respectful than what the government has done the to the civil liberties of the American people as well as dignity and honor of the memory of His Excellency, the Most Honorable George Washington.

Anyone who believes that the government's flag represents "liberty and justice for all" is every bit as brainwashed as 1940s era Japanese people who believed Emperor Hirohito was a deity.

To those who say this photograph is disrespectful because this flag represents men who died for our freedom, I ask: "What freedom?"

As the Honorable Gerald Kogan presciently forecast, LIBERTY FINALLY HAS FALLEN, and most Americans haven't the slightest clue what hit them because it has happened so gradually over time.

1) "Washington is the mightiest name of earth -- long since mightiest in the cause of civil liberty; still mightiest in moral reformation. On that name, a eulogy is expected. It cannot be. To add brightness to the sun, or glory to the name of Washington, is alike impossible. Let none attempt it. In solemn awe pronounce the name, and in its naked deathless splendor, leave it shining on."

Abraham Lincoln, Temperance Address 

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